Harshit Kumar Your SEO Partner

Harshit Kumar: SEO Specialist

Welcome to KumarHarshit.in, your go-to destination for premium SEO services. I'm Harshit Kumar, a seasoned SEO professional with over 5 years of experience, and I'm here to supercharge your online presence. At KumarHarshit.in, we offer unparalleled SEO services tailored to elevate your digital presence and drive revenue growth. Wondering why our SEO services stand out? Outrank your competitors with our proven solutions.


Why Choose KumarHarshit.in for Your SEO Success?

Harshit Kumar SEO Services: Path to Digital Growth

At KumarHarshit.in, we offer a comprehensive suite of SEO services designed to propel your business to new heights. Here's a glimpse of what we bring to the table:

Shopify SEO

Strengthening your online store's presence, providing 24/7 customer support, and optimizing the Shopify experience.

Local SEO

Targeting local customers with Google Business Profile optimization, ensuring your business thrives locally.

Off-Page SEO

Establishing brand credibility and increasing online exposure through social media, link building, and influencer marketing.

Amazon SEO

Enhancing your brand on Amazon, optimizing product listings, and implementing goal-oriented Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) strategies.

Franchise SEO

Supercharging marketing for multi-location businesses, maximizing brand impact and boosting leads.

eCommerce SEO

Creating a seamless shopping experience, optimizing for mobile and voice search, and integrating with platforms like Walmart Marketplace.

Custom SEO Strategy

Tailored to your unique business needs, we deploy impactful tactics to make a difference.

Keyword Research

Uncovering the keywords that matter to your business and leveraging them strategically.

Strong Link Building

Quality over quantity; we secure high-authority backlinks through dedicated link-building efforts.

Comprehensive Onsite SEO

From title tags to meta descriptions, we optimize every aspect, ensuring your site stands out.

Content Writing

I create SEO-friendly content, from blogs to optimized pages, delighting search engines & users.

Technical SEO

Optimizing your website's backend for improved page speed and enhanced search engine crawlability.

Agile SEO Methodology for Optimal Results

Embark on your digital success journey with KumarHarshit.in's Agile SEO methodology. Our approach, outlined in seven key steps, ensures a strategic and effective campaign framework:

  1. Discover: Understand your business needs, conduct a site review, identify KPIs, and perform extensive keyword research.

  2. Analyze: Dive deep into competitive benchmarking, site audits, analytics review, and link risk assessment.

  3. Strategize: Develop a 60-day strategic online marketing plan (SOMP) based on identified gaps and opportunities.

  4. Execute: Implement the SOMP, optimizing web pages, improving site structure, and managing business listings.

  5. Measure: Set up a tracking system to monitor online progress, analyzing analytics, keyword rankings, and other KPIs.

  6. Report: Provide regular reports and consultations, offering a comprehensive overview of site performance and future roadmaps.

  7. Adjust: Continuously adapt optimization strategies based on algorithm updates and market trends, ensuring sustained high search rankings.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website to enhance its visibility on search engines like Google. The goal is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic by improving the site’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO works by optimizing various elements on your website to align with search engine algorithms. This includes on-page optimizations, content improvements, building high-quality backlinks, and technical enhancements to enhance user experience.

While the core principles of SEO remain consistent, some search engines may have specific preferences. Google is the primary focus for most SEO strategies due to its dominant market share.

The cost of an SEO campaign varies based on factors like the scope of work, competitiveness of keywords, and the SEO provider. It’s an investment that yields long-term benefits.

While basic SEO practices can be implemented by website owners, achieving optimal results often requires expertise. Professional SEO services can provide more comprehensive and effective strategies.

Numerous factors impact SEO ranking, including the relevance and quality of content, website structure, backlinks, user experience, mobile-friendliness, and page load speed.

Yes, blogging is an effective way to regularly publish fresh, relevant content, which search engines favor. It can attract more visitors, build authority, and improve search rankings.

Both SEO and paid advertising have their merits. SEO offers sustainable, long-term results, while paid advertising provides immediate visibility. A balanced approach often yields the best outcomes.

SEO is a gradual process. While some improvements may be seen in a few weeks, significant results often take months. The timeline depends on factors like competition and the level of optimization needed.

SEO best practices include keyword research, high-quality content creation, on-page optimization, building quality backlinks, mobile optimization, and staying updated with algorithm changes.

Ready to Elevate Your Digital Presence? Contact Harshit Kumar Today!

Outshine your competitors, boost your rankings, and witness unparalleled digital growth. KumarHarshit.in - Where Expertise Meets Excellence in SEO. Your Success Journey Starts Here.

Harshit Kumar: SEO Specialist

“Empowering Your Brand’s Digital Ascent: SEO Specialist, Crafting Success Through Innovative Strategies and Proven Expertise.”